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Anti-aging and human growth hormone

Welcome to my blog about anti-aging and human growth hormone. This blog will try to go through and explain HGH and the pros and cons of Growth hormone (GH) which is a protein-based poly-peptide hormone. It stimulates growth and cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals for anti aging effects

Friday, February 12, 2010

30 Athletes Caught Using Steroids or HGH Before GameS Start

Anti-dopers agents from the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA have already caught more than 30 athletes using steroids, human growth hormone HGH or other performance enhancing drugs even before the games have begun.

David Howman, the agency's director general, said none of the more than 30 athletes who failed pre-Games testing will be in Vancouver. WADA president John Fahey said at the pre-Olympic news conference, “ There will be cheaters .The one thing I will declare is that it’s more likely they will be caught than in any other games in our history.” Any athlete who tries to cheat at the Vancouver Winter Games by taking banned substance is more likely to get caught than at any other Olympics in history, the president of the World Anti-Doping Agency said Thursday. But Fahey said the number of disqualified athletes is 'significant' and shows the effectiveness of pre-Games testing.

Howman said the International Olympic Committee expects to conduct 2,000 tests at the Vancouver Games and 500 blood tests.

Human growth hormone has been proven for anti aging affect and linked to increases in muscle mass and better mobility and overall body performance. Steroids have plagued sports like baseball and cycling and despite their benefits outside the sports realm they are illegal in any competition.

The International Olympic Committee, a longtime supporter of strengthening anti-doping efforts to protect clean sport, confirmed that Arnold Schwarzenegger will run Friday with the Olympic flame before the Vancouver Games, despite his well-chronicled steroid use.

To learn more about the benefits of human growth hormone read about more news and articles to HGHarticles.com or buy HGH at GenF20.com


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  2. I think the final point is also vitally important -- that athletes doping with HGH are often not using only HGH.

    Brain Reed


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The 30 Athletes Caught Using Steroids or HGH Before Games Start. David How man, the agency's director general, said none of the more than 30 athletes who failed pre-Games testing will be in Vancouver.

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