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Anti-aging and human growth hormone

Welcome to my blog about anti-aging and human growth hormone. This blog will try to go through and explain HGH and the pros and cons of Growth hormone (GH) which is a protein-based poly-peptide hormone. It stimulates growth and cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals for anti aging effects

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

20 Benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

While HGH is not the fountain of youth that people claim, there are some benefits to HGH supplementation.

1. Enhanced memory

2. Better sleep

3. Immune system will get enhanced

4. Wound healing will be rapid

5. There will increase in optimism

6. Restoration of organ parts like liver, heart and kidney

7. Stronger bones and muscles

8. Vision will be sharpened

9. Growth of hair will improve

10. Increase in sex drive

11. Decreased body fat

12. Increased lean muscle mass

13. Wrinkle reduction (increased skin thickness)

14. Hair restoration

15. Increased sexual function

16. Higher energy levels

17. Lowered cholesterol

18. Improving mood & sleep

19. Better brain, vision, and immune function

20. Normalized blood pressure

1 comment:

  1. good points but are these things cheap not every one has the money like baseball players to spend or take HGH


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